Economics of the EPR reactors

This page provides details of our estimation of the tariff from the EPR reactors, that the Indian Government would like to install at Jaitapur. If there is something that you don't find explained in the files below, please feel free to contact either Ramana or me. 

Although most of the material that appears here was finalized around 2013, nothing essential has changed and our calculations remain valid. Some of the articles in the list of articles provide updates and comparisons with other proposed projects.

  1. Our article for the Economic and Political Weekly is our most detailed analysis of this issue.  
    Click here to download the EPW article with references
  2. A fully referenced version of our article in the Hindustan Times.
  3. To follow all the details of our calculation, you should see the background Mathematica notebook. Apologies for using this proprietary software, but hopefully eventually, I will have a Sage or Python script available here, with the same functionality. (volunteers for translation?)
    1.  Click here to download the original Mathematica Notebook, A free notebook reader is available here.
    2.   Click here to download a pdf version of the notebook, which is quite readable, if you don't want to manipulate the calculation itself.
  4. Alternately, click here to download an Excel Spreadsheet, which also contains most details of the calculation. Excel is simply not powerful enough to do some of the calculations that we needed, and this spreadsheet is a translation that we have provided for accessibility. The original calculations are in the Mathematica notebook above, and just in case you find a discrepancy between Mathematica and Excel that we have missed, it is the Mathematica version that is authoritative.
  5. Just for the record, here is a copy of my email to the executive director of the NPCIL (who has previously contacted us rebutting our arguments on other issues), asking for information about the tariffs, which was never provided.